Friday, November 21, 2014

Jnani has no ritual pollution

It was early 1910s or 1920s.  Sri Ramana Maharshi was still staying in Skandasramam,  up in the hills of holy Arunachala.

On a pournami day,  Bhagavan had just finished shaving his head with the help of a barber. 

Akhilandamma from desur had come that day.  Some devotee suggests to her to get divine upadesa from Bhagavan during that Pournami day.

Upon the same, Ahilandamma immediately approaches Bhagavan and gets divine upadesa from Sri Ramana. 

Akhilandamma from Desur village

Here few sastric points has to be noted.

Once one has had shaven his head,  he gets ritual pollution and hence he should bath before he can peform any puja.  Less to speak about giving other person Divine Upadesa.

But what happened in this scenario?  How come Maharshi gave his divine upadesa while remaining in ritually pollute state? 

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Abiding in Self

The answer is Bhagavan Sri Ramana was always in a state of Abidance in Atma,  in Sahaja state and that he is a Atiasrami.

He has transcended all modes of life, all rules of conduct and the impositions of what to do and what not to do.  Such was his exalted state which was same as that of Lord Dattatreya or Sage Sukha Brahmaa or of the four Sanatkumaras.

For such a person,  whatever he may be appearing to be doing, he is always the Atma not just by words but in every spirit of realization.

So whatever such a self realized sage speaks is upanishad and whatever he may appear to bluff about is nothing but upadesa.

And the close devotee Akhilandamma well aware of Maharshi's transcendental state had rightly approached him for upadesa.

So it is very important for every sadhaka to surrender to such a soul like Sri Ramana Maharshi either during their bodily existence or afterwards.

And the benefits & punyas accrued by worshipping and thinking of such great beings like Sri Ramana is immense.

One will get peace in this and the next world.